A day in the life of a Buenos Aires intern

Since I seemed to have stopped doing What I Ate Wednesday posts – partly due to forgetting to photograph my food and partly due to the fact that sharing my eats for a day stresses me out – I thought it might be interesting (or not) to share a day in the life of me! Unfortunately the only day I’ve managed to remember to log was Monday which wasn’t very sociable but hey ho, life happens.

WIAW button

Monday started around 7.30am, please note this is very early in Buenos Aires where people eat dinner after 9pm and party till dawn. So yes, strong start to the week. Well done me. Although I admit it take me a while to actually leave bed due to checking my phone, looking at the weather, the usual…

Monday morningBut when I did finally get out of bed I had an awesome surprise… I went into the living room to get my laundry and saw this beautiful red glow – check out that sunrise!!

Buenos Aires Sunrise

I had then a snack of what I would like to call The Little Honey Bee’s PB & J oatmeal cups… But I varied the recipe (lack of ingredients) and burnt them. So I won’t.

Oatmeal thingA burnt ‘thing’ with some honey on top to disguise the burn… Yum yum.

Then it was off to 8.30am CrossFit where we did the workout below and I took some sneaky (aka creepy looking) photos of the empty gym before we started. One of the coaches, after our session, described it perfectly. “It’s not fun. It’s not even easy. It’s just FEO (ugly/horrible)! But at least Monday can only get better!”. True words! And I still have bruises from getting more vigorous than I should’ve done with a Kettelbell. Well it wasn’t all that bad, I shall be more positive! It was good to do back squats again for the first time in a while. We were doing them in groups and I think I could’ve lifted more but I felt a bit unsure adding more weight. Next time. Still, it woke me up!

CrossFit WOD Lunes

Bigg CrossFIt

After this and a shower I was more than ready for breakfast. My current favourite of eggy cocoa porridge with an apple cooked up in a pan with a little water. So good. I enjoyed this whilst catching up on my blog reading 🙂

Cocoa apple porridgeEaten with a teaspoon, as always

Then it was off to work on a fabulously quiet bus where I could sit in the sunshine and watch BA go by, happy days. But first, a quick selfie. Those who know me well, please appreciate the fact that I am wearing jeans, this never happens! Well technically they’re jeggings but close enough.

Bus & Selfie

And here is my little spot in the office where I was working on a translation project that day. It’s actually the smaller meeting room so on Tuesdays and Wednesdays I work remotely (aka in a café) as there are loads of meetings so not much space! Two days a week I am also joined by the two other interns – you can see their laptops in this picture (our little collection of Macs!) – love working in the company of these girls 🙂

Intern office

Hunger soon struck and I popped out to, my new favourite, Baking to pick up a glorious cobb salad and some yoghurt and granola for later. Did I mention I never remember to take photos? Let’s just imagine what the salad looked like shall we? Good.

Yoghurt and granola

I finished work a little early so popped to Starbucks for a soy americano and to do a little blogging before my Spanish class. Once again, I was early (must be ill or something) so read my Argentine corporate social responsibility magazine and had a biscuit with my tea whilst waiting – I know how to have a good time. By the way, if you ever need a Spanish teacher in BA let me know as mine is great!

Tea and magazine

I was pretty tired after Spanish and started the long journey home – a squished bus ride (got to love rush hour), trip to the fishmongers, trip to the health food shop, trip to the pharmacy for toiletries, trip to the fruit and veg man and then HOME. I was pretty chuffed with dinner, even if it doesn’t look very pretty it sure tasted nice. Some sort of white fish whose name I don’t understand in Spanish (story of my life), broccoli, red onion, green beans and cashew with lemon juice and a tiny bit of honey.

White fish & veg

I then enjoyed a square of this amazing Lindt – as recommended to me by this guy – whilst watching The Caveman (trashy, probably pretty sexist, but perfect for my Monday night). Then I fell asleep.

Lindt 85%

Any great eats or cooking mishaps from your week?

13 thoughts on “A day in the life of a Buenos Aires intern

  1. Pingback: {WIAW} A day in the life of a postgraduate student | Cherries & Chisme

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