{WIAW} A day out and an ugly pudding….

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I cannot believe that it is already time for my second ‘What I Ate Wednesday’! For this week, I am going to look back at last Friday when I had the day off and so went off exploring Cheltenham…

I woke about 7am and started the day with the usual apple cider vinegar in water and a green smoothie. I always like to have a smoothie on Fridays as I feel like it’s almost a mini cleanse before my weekly yoga class!


This one had banana, apple, spinach, almond milk, flaxseed, peanut butter and a little raspberry jam – it was lovely but think it needs more PNB next time… Then it was off to yoga, I got stuck in lots of traffic on the way to had to sneak in late but luckily wasn’t the only one!


After a quick turnaround, and a pear, at home I was ready to go to Cheltenham – such a beautiful drive! I’ve noticed that recently I’ve started to appreciate where I live so much more…a sign of getting old?

When I got there lunch was the first thing on my mind and I found a lovely little café where they served brunch ALL DAY. Ideal. I had scrambled egg on toast and a soy cappuccino. Both were delicious but the egg was £9??!! A bit overpriced I think, it was also meant to come with roasted tomatoes…unless these were mixed into the egg but I couldn’t taste them.


Anyhow, I did plenty of shopping (oops) as there were lots of mid-season sales on – surely this counts as saving money? But I was really pleased with what I bought, some great bits for work/play and winter/summer that I can take to Buenos Aires. Finally I managed my first ever trip to Wholefoods and I thought I was going to burst with excitement! I mean I knew the place was amazing but…wow. I definitely shouldn’t be allowed back there alone. I had a delicious soy hot chocolate in the café beforehand, so refreshing to find one that isn’t overly sweetened – I definitely notice these things a lot more now.


Before driving home I felt a bit lightheaded (maybe a slight sugar crash) so had an apple Nakd bar which seemed to do the trick. I’d forgotten how delicious these were.


Finally, for dinner I cooked some scallops I had purchased earlier that day with olives and garlic in a tomatoey sauce with lots of green veg.


For dessert I made my latest microwave cake – vanilla and raspberry. My housemate Hannah and I ate plenty of the chocolate version of these (inspired by this recipe) during finals as our treat at the end of a long day in the library so this one’s for her and is my first recipe! Although it definitely isn’t the prettiest pudding…


Raspberry & vanilla microwave cake

3 tablespoons white spelt flour (can sub. for others)
1 tablespoon stevia (or sugar)
0.25-0.5 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon good vanilla extract
1 handful raspberries
Soya milk (or milk of choice) to mix

Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Then add the vanilla, raspberries and enough soy to mix it into a similar consistency of a standard cake mix.

Microwave on high for 2 mins (please bear in mind my microwave is the same age as me so your cooking time may vary!). Great served with more raspberries on top and a spoonful of yoghurt.

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