{Marvelous in My Monday} Feeling good

I always feel that the two words I find myself coming back to in my life are balance and freedom. The freedom to do what I want, be who I choose, and the opportunity to do so. Then there’s the typical work/life balance, ‘a balanced diet’, etc… And at the moment I’m feeling pretty darn content – I have freedom and balance.



Living abroad naturally makes you feel pretty free – I mean, you’ve just moved halfway round the world because you can – that’s pretty undeniable. And right now I have no constraints on my life, no ties holding me back or pulling me to a certain place. I will always have my home to go back to but I can go anywhere I want… That’s a pretty liberating thought!

Work and life are pretty balanced at the moment. My internship is getting more and more interesting and I am feeling increasingly involved in the workings of the organisation. Then again, living in Buenos Aires, you can’t not live! There is always something to do, people to see, some new event to go to, an adventure to be had… But then if I want to stay in and doing absolutely nothing, I feel that I can – I am free to do so after all! That’s something I am loving about being 22 (nearly 23, eek) – I’ve been lucky enough to party and travel a plenty in my life already, so if I fancy being a bit of a granny now and again, I can be!

Finally, I’ve reached a good place in my food habits… This is something I’ve been meaning to right about in more detail another post for a while. To cut a long story short, I’ve…guess what…hit the balance! Generally I try to eat as healthily as I can but never again do I want food issues to get in the way of me having a good time – if I want to go out and drink, I will… fancy a bit of cake? eat it… craving a giant bowl of veggies? perfect. It’s all about finding what feels good for YOU, something it’s taken me a longggg time to realise.

I’ve got myself into a good little exercise routine with CrossFit and running, various park workouts (although the stupid rain is rather getting in the way of these at the moment) and bits of yoga now and again. I love to exercise, to sweat, to push my body to its limit (and then some more), to see and feel myself getting stronger and faster – that’s happiness, and pride. Never do I want my physical abilities to get in the way of me doing what I love. Yet, at the same time, I don’t want my desire to improve my physical abilities to get in the way of my life… So if I miss a workout it’s okay. Nobody dies. Life goes on. (Who knew? Not me!)

So basically…

– not old, not young

– fit but not skinny

– healthy but not obsessive

– working hard but having the time of my life

In less than two months, my life as I know it is going to completely change… The thought of that right now terrifies me. The past few weeks here, in Buenos Aires, I’ve felt even more at home and even happier with my life here – something I didn’t even realise was possible. I know I will make a new, great life for myself when I return to the UK but right now? I’m content and feeling good.

Linking up with Katie today for Marvelous in My Monday.


Do you have a particular ‘word’ you aim for in your life?

2 thoughts on “{Marvelous in My Monday} Feeling good

  1. Just love all of this and it’s so wonderful to hear that you are in such a great place! I’d say if I had a word it would be ‘joy’ as much as I have a lot of other words going on, one philosophy I have is that everything I do should bring me and others some kind of joy, life is simply too short not to be enjoyed!

  2. Pingback: My Food and Exercise Philosophy | Cherries & Chisme

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